5 Things You Need For a Worm Composting Project
“worm composting singapore” or “vermiculture” is the process of preparing compost using earthworms. It’s natural and straightforward to maintain. Vermicompost is a preferred method by many since it’s an odor-free compost. Worm composting is now used widely.
Vermiculture can help minimize food waste in landfills. Start your worm composting project soon. These are the 5 important supplies that you will need.
Worm Bin
You need a suitable container for the worms and the organic waste. You can either use plastic or old wooden boxes. Create a living environment for your worms. The composting bin should have a lid and proper ventilation. It must have drainage too.
Choose the right type of worms You need worms that reproduce fast, great eaters, and can thrive in tight spaces. The most recommended are red wigglers. One pound of red wigglers is needed per square foot of the bin’s surface area.
Bedding Material
Worms also need a comfortable and suitable bedding material. This is where they live and work to create good compost for you. You can mix coconut coir, cardboard, paper, etc. The bedding must be moist but not waterlogged.
Organic Waste
These are food scraps that your household generates. This is everything from your kitchen. What you can’t add are dairy, meat, and any oily foods. Make sure that you chop or shred the waste into small pieces. This can quicken the decomposition process. You can start with a small amount of waste. Gradually increase it as the worm population grows.
Maintenance Tools
Regular maintenance is key to a healthy vermicomposting system. Here are the tools for the maintenance and monitoring of your worm compost.
- Compost Turner: Mixing and breaking up compacted material.
- Hand Rake: Helps in turning and aerating compost.
- Shovel: Harvesting finished compost.
- Trowel: For burying food scraps.
- Harvesting Screen: Separates worms from finished compost.
- Sprayer: Keeps compost moist.
- Thermometer: Monitoring compost temperature.
- pH Testing Kit: For checking acidity levels.
Worm Compost: How to Use It?
Use this compost like other high-nutrient fertilizers. You can use the compost or the drained liquid called ‘worm leachate.’ Just sprinkle compost on top of the soil. You can also mix it in the soil around the plants. Do not use too much compost as this can burn the stems. When using worm leachate, it’s highly concentrated so you must dilute it – 1 part leachate per 10 parts of water.